4-Way Flexibility Routine: ATG Mobility Series 2 of 10

3 min readJan 17, 2025


Measurable STRENGTH progression through range of motion is the primary driver of my knee and back systems, but a 4-way FLEXIBILITY routine seems to grease the whole operation. I’ve been doing some form of it for 10 years!

Why? I think it’s because the modern lifestyle has stiffened us up so much. Even if we aim for “perfectly balanced” strength training, we might still be lacking a bit of natural flexibility.

So Part 1 of this series taught my go-to strength progression for mobility: the ATG Split Squat.

Now Part 2 will teach you a 4-way flexibility routine to assist your progress.

Then in Part 3 we’ll continue with the strength progressions.

1/4. Outside (of the hips): 1–3 sets of 20 pulses


-from back leg bent to straight

-from more to less assistance from the hands

Below, Alissa is showing progressed, and I’m showing regressed:

2/4. Inside: 1–3 sets of 20 pulses


-from higher to lower

-from more to less assistance from hands

Below, I’m showing progressed, and Alissa is showing regressed:

3/4. Frontside: 1–3 sets of 20 pulses

Most folks will first have to establish comfortable positioning.



-more upright torso

-more range of motion

-more application of your strength against the wall

Below, I’m showing regressed, and Alissa is showing progressed:

Annoying Note: It tends to be true that the more someone NEEDS this stretch, the more uncomfortable it is to set up!

Thick couch cushions work great!

And for gym use, we made the KneeMat (above, left) for comfort.

4/4. Backside: 1–3 sets of 20 pulses

You can do this without the slant, but it really seems to help modern backside stiffness, which starts from the calves.


-higher to lower

-more to less assistance from the hands

Below, I’m showing progressed, and Alissa is showing regressed:

I hope this makes you more powerful with your mobility and the mobility of those you seek to help!

Yours in Solutions,


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