5 Basics to Help Unscramble the Mystery of the Lower Back

3 min readApr 22, 2024


  1. Front

2. Back

3. Side to Side

If you’d like to step inside my head regarding lower back pain, the simplest I’ve thought about is 5 basics. Those 3 above are the obvious ones: being strong and flexible on all sides of the spine.

But a couple problems run deeper…


The modern body hasn’t spent the natural amount of time resting in a deep squat, leaving the inner hips stiffer than they should naturally be, which can leave your lower back with excess stress.

The ATG seated goodmorning progression scales to any level…

…and allows you to change how strong and flexible you are at the SAME time…

…WHILE strengthening your lower back in an ultra-controlled manner!

Meanwhile, we sit in chairs, and we don’t just sit here or there.

We sit FAR in excess of the time we would ever naturally sit in a deep squat, and this leaves the front of our hips stiffer than they should be, which also seems to leave the lower back with excess stress.

The ATG Split Squat progression scales to any level…

…and allows you to change how strong and flexible you are at the SAME time…

…while strengthening your legs and glutes!

If I could only coach those 2 exercises I’d still be very grateful for my job because with those 2 alone you can consistently produce outlier results for the knees, back, and athleticism.


I don’t think the average body is a mere 1 or 2 exercises away from a WELL-protected lower back, so I always advise them as part of a well-rounded program.

I’m always thinking on how to best explain the ATG system, and it hit me this week that maybe this could help simplify or clarify the “mystery of the lower back” for someone out there.

I’ll keep sharing as I keep observing.

Talk to you again next week.

Yours in Solutions,





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