Fitness Solution of The Future?

2 min readFeb 10, 2024


I believe resisted treadmills will be one of the top fitness solutions this century:

Low learning curve





1m backward

30s forward

1m backward

30s forward

3 minutes.

I’ve never experienced anything like it!

Joints feel BETTER.

While getting so many other benefits.

No other warm-up needed.

To be clear, that’s how I begin my workouts.

Everything else gets easier from there because of the incredible benefits from my opening step.

Yeah, we all know “exercise!” And “don’t overeat ultra-processed foods!”

I wholeheartedly agree.

But what’s actually going to CHANGE these broad problems?

This is the best solution I know on the exercise side of the coin.

(As for ultra-professed food… sheesh, that’s its own mountain to climb!)

I created the world’s first affordable backward treadmill because backward sledding is what initially got my knees off painkillers. I’ve since helped thousands of people to knee success stories.

I also enjoy using it forward, though that wasn’t the original intention.

With this and all the equipment I make, I will stay obsessed with:

1. Results

2. User-Friendly

3. Great Price

I’m not claiming all my stuff hits these 3 boxes to the degree I’d like, but we’re off to a good start, and it’s a path that’s true to what I desire as a customer.

Above all, I hope to inspire OTHERS to become more POWERFUL over their health and over the health of those around them.

Thank you for entertaining my “backward” ideas and creations.

Yours in Solutions,


My full exercise protocol:

My unusual home gym equipment:

And the foot-inspired shoes I wear:



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