The ATG Longevity System
The ATG longevity system can be done with many different exercises, but according to the same principles.

I’ve coached thousands of classes in person. It’s a beautiful thing to have people walk into the gym and immediately get moving, safely, with strength, rehab, and cardiovascular benefits all at the same time!

The reason a sled allows you to power up your lower body while getting amazing circulation, ultra-safely, is because THE LOAD ISN’T BEARING DOWN ON YOU.
With aging comes reduced ability to VIGOROUSLY use the body, due to fear of it getting hurt.
Yet the LACK of vigorous use results in even further loss of abilities and health!
It’s a vicious cycle…
The sled, though, has broken that cycle for thousands of ATGers around the world.
Bonus: The body not only gets results, it gets warmed up for the rest of the workout!
Gravity takes a toll as life goes on.

More ability in your LOWER legs improves your foundation and your ability to withstand life’s impact.
If two trees have the same branches, but one has stronger roots, which do you think will last longest?
Youth is flexibility.
Adulthood is strength.
Aging is loss of both!

Exercises like the ATG Split Squat are powerful long-term investments, and the sled plus ground-up approach primes you to now work on your leg and hip mobility.
We then continue this ground-up approach by progressing to the spine…

And even the core is trained “from the ground up” by using the feet as the resistance point.

All this “earns” the right to train the upper body!
Upper body training is done with an emphasis on posture…

…and with levels for all exercises.

Last but not least, you don’t leave the gym until you’ve done a set of GRIP!
So you start on the sled pushing through your FEET, and you finish with strength through your hands.

I dream of a world where thousands of gyms have classes and equipment like this.
This equipment style costs a tiny fraction of the average commercial gym.
And there are now hundreds of certified ATG coaches around the world.
You can click here to see who’s near you.
Using the app, you can do our longevity system anywhere.
Yours in Solutions,